Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Game Journalism Play 4

1. If I were to start over.

1. Collect any and all resources with the hook
2. Try and add more surface area to the raft
3. Make a water purifier
4. Build a basic grill and place both water purifier and grill in the center of the raft
5. Make a cup to collect water
6. Craft the fishing rod and fish
7. Collect enough food to not worry about it for awhile
8. Any raft of island try and make it to it by building a paddle
9. Build a research table
10. Expand the raft more with a sail and second floor

2. What is the best tool(s) for survival

I picked these because the hook itself is essential and defending from the shark is always needed as it never stops permanently  

3. My Raft at this moment

Game Journalism Day 4 - Upgrades

This is the first version of the grill and water purifier

This is the best version of both the grill and water purifier reason why I made these is that both make it so that I don't have tyo use as much fuel

This the base chest that holds a smaller amount on the left than the upgraded version which is on the right

The hook is great to upgrade as its more efficient and more durable 

Also as soon as you can you should put foundation armor on your collectors as they make it more durable from shark attacks

and finally the spear I upgraded because it takes less hits to kill the shark with it that and its way more durable 

Exit Interview

1.  Comment about your work ethic

My work effort this year I feel has been similar to my previous years in where I do well in assignments that enjoy more than others.Over all 65%

2. Which assignments did I enjoy

My favorite assignments were the Sketch-up projects I never knew I enjoyed creating just little rooms or models of things and with Sketch-up its just easy to use and learn most of the time. Least favorite assignments is the game journalism for me anyway that and video slides I'm just bored of survival based games and the video slides were just very simple and I didn't learn anything new from doing it.

3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why

Probably premiere pro just didn't understand some things always found myself googling how to do anything on premiere.